The Boarder Directors of the Children’s Peace Foundation, the Members, Advisors, Sponsors and the legal department agreed to open the indirect the CGA in 1999 and to start working for a place in Europe in March 2003.


These new entity is in Europe (Already formed in the nominated Country), the Country will be named by opening of  the Building and starting with there World wide operations.


The centre will have those items to bring International Children conventions and to have a Central Place for the World Parliament of the Children, represented by each Country.

Part of the centre will be set to act as an education point, a point where the young people can look at the many different cultures of the World and interact with each other as guests of the Centre.

Children’s General Assembly

Some Lay outs that where made of the Head Seat and agreed by all, where Made by a German Architect in 2004, she is still a member of the Foundation.

           Introduction Page    |   Information   |    Project idea  |    Goals    |   World Culture Park  |   CGA Construction plan |   Background Information  |   Historical documents CGA

Copyright. EU 1999@Children’s General Assembly